How to create a site via

keep you in mind you can click on the link at the video description down below if you'd like to follow along step by step while you're creating your own site and keep in mind that Wix it's a WYSIWYG editor it's a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor and the main purpose of this video is to walk you through how to navigate the interface.

 how to use the tools I'm going to be creating a sample site. I'm going to call the site foodie just a food based site centered around food drinks things of that nature so the first thing you need to decide, when you're creating your site is what kind of website you want to create do you want to create a business profile, do you want to create a photography portfolio ecommerce store site for your restaurant restaurant front a blog,


 what have you and the great thing about Wix is they offer a ton of templates from you to choose from that you know center around your category of website that you're trying to create or just kind of the style and design that you like and you want to kind of use as a cookie cutter template to go ahead and then from there add your own elements and change it up too of course fit your site in this case I'm just going to go with a blank template like a literally a blank canvas that way I can just kind of show you how a lot of the tools work and how to go about you know navigating the Wix interface here so I'm gonna go ahead and click on blank templates.

Template of
Template of

 I'm gonna use a start from scratch here hit edit and this is going to take me directly into the wood Wix editor here so here we are in the Wix editor and as I mentioned we're just using a very blank canvas page to create the site that I'm calling fruity super simple very visual site that I want to create here and I have this kind of blank canvas to do that but before I do that let's mention the main three elements when using Wix the very top is your nav bar this is where you go ahead and add pages to your website.


 so if you want a contact page and about Us page what-have-you you would add them through here you simply click Add page decide what type of link you want add if you want to be a whole new page if you want just to be a link to your menu a menu header if I clicked on Patriot's and you go ahead and create a whole new page and I can call it for example about so now I'm on my about page if I click on the home page and I switch to the home page here so whatever you have highlighted that's the current page that you're editing in this case I have just a very simple about page I'm going to delete this because I don't want this I just want all on one page age for the sample now on the right there you have your site settings so this is how you save your site and I recommend doing that as often as you can preview your site publish it and more you have a tool settings here your help menu and your upgrade menu next to that you can actually zoom out of your site and get a preview of it an overview and reorder as well so very useful if you're using a template you can actually reorder the elements to your liking and undo and redo button.


 so if you accidentally delete something you can actually bring it back just using the undo button and then lastly you have the switch editor views this allows you to switch views between mobile and desktop very very useful because nowadays sites tend to be you know viewed on different devices and the great thing about Wix is it automatically makes it responsive so that your site works on whatever platform there is a tablet phone or desktop alright so that's the main nav bar the left here is how you add any basic elements or just basic elements to your site and then your right toolbar here is how you adjust those specific elements once added so for example here you have your background page background you have your add elements this is the main one you're going to be using when you're creating a site you can add any element from text to images to shapes and social networking buttons contact forms and more under that you have a Wix app market so this allows you to install third-party apps to your site so if you want like a chat functionality built into your site for support you can add that it's upload your own content.


 so if you want images videos music Doc's added to your site and uploaded you do that through here and last but not least if you want to set up a blog alongside your site you can do that through the Wix blog functionality let's go ahead and start by just making a very basic text header here so I'm go ahead and click text and as you see here there's a ton of different options for text here I'm just going to go with a site title because that's what I want to add here and now that I've created that text element here you can see my toolbar on the right here allows me to do certain things I can duplicate it I can delete it change the alignment change the size and position so you can do all this manually or you can just kind of click and drag so I can adjust it like this just click drag adjust the size as I want or again manually input the dimensions that I want that to be if I just double click on this I



now I'm going to be able to control the site title here so I'm going to go ahead and highlight that and just type in fruity because that's what I want to call the site here highlight it again to change the font here to like a size 70 font and we're going to go ahead and bold that and then now I'm just going to drag it up here because this is where I want this is my headers I'm attaching it to my header right now so that imaginary line right here is essentially your header and then down below here is your footer so those are the basic grids and from there let's go ahead and start adding on other elements


so I'll click on again I'm going to go ahead and just click on the add button here like I mentioned earlier it looks like I accidentally dropped in some text here so no problem I click on it delete it go back here let's go ahead and drop in a strip here I want a strip so I'm going to go ahead and use a classic black strip here to kind of focus the main part of the content that I want viewed click on add again and let's go ahead and go through here and see what we have you have different options that we can add here we can add a menu so if you want to basically navbar menu you can add that but again.


 I'm going for just a very minimal look here so actually decided I want to add a gallery so I'm going to go ahead and go here and see what gallery options they offer here looks like there's a ton of different galleries that you can choose from here so I'm going to just go with a basic slideshow guy over here so I'm going to click on that I think that'd look good with a strip here that we added so I'm going to go ahead and draw a right here attach it to the strip so it fits in nicely and then just again go ahead and resize it to my liking here so I'm just going to go ahead and adjust it there I'm going to pull it farther there so we get a bigger stretch there same thing on that side and then just again kind of fix the alignment of it there and now I'll go ahead and read able that toolbar and just like that I've added my basic gallery now underneath a gallery I going to add a couple more elements let me just go ahead and drop in a couple more things here just to showcase what it would look like if I filled it out just a bit more so as you can see I decide to add this box I lament to this side here what I want to do is create three of them so I'm going to go ahead and line it right here and rather than having to manually drop three of the elements I'm just going to click on this I'm going to activate my toolbar so I can see this here and duplicate the element across I'm just going to click on duplicate duplicate and duplicate again and now I have three boxes rather than having to again add multiple elements here with the exact same dimensions easily added to the site here and then now I've added the three container boxes here and all I'm going to do from here is simply add some text on top of that so let me go ahead and take a basic text layer here and then drop those over the boxes here so I'll just say let's go with a small heading here.


 and then I'm going to go ahead and disperse those across these three ball all right so I've now added those three basic buttons here and I want to add lastly a contact form down below and then I'm going to go ahead and click on add again and find that contact element that I want to add in here click on that and then go ahead and click on it and then it'll be dragged in to my site here and then go ahead and just it as needed so now that we have into that contact format I'm going to go ahead and add more images here to make it visual longer to fill the slideshow and I decided that I like these boxes but I'm going to actually just replace them with images because it looks much more visual and appealing and that's a great thing about Wix you can easily just adjust elements of the site individually without ruining the rest of it here so let's go ahead and add in all these images with the slideshows or galleries for example you can go ahead and just upload your own images or use a source of wix's preset stock images that they have for multiple categories what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go ahead and delete all these that are currently in the default gallery here and then go ahead and replace them with food images now that I've had them at the gallery I can add captions or even add links to them as I'd like and hit done here and all the images are now added to my slideshow up here and I'm going to go ahead and add in the other ones as well so as you can see


I found a much better element to replace those three boxes with in-text more visual we have another smaller slideshow right underneath and that's a great thing again about Wix you have so many different options to play around with and redesign depending on how and where you want certain elements to be on your web page another thing I want to showcase yeah while I decide to keep the site more minimal and,


 just focus on the homepage you can of course add a menu to add multiple pages which is typically standard with most sites so have like a home page maybe an about page what have you I decided to put the contact page on the home here but as you can see here they offer different menus they have horizontal menus you have all sorts of great styles that you can go ahead and check out so for example if I just want to add this very common one here I can add a themed menu so I'll just go ahead and click on this one right here and what this is going to do it's going to go ahead and drop the menu element here on my site here now I'm just going to go ahead and drag it up wherever I want to put it


so let's say I want to put it up here attach it to the header and then we're going to go ahead and move this site logo just a little bit above that so I may go ahead and adjust that here so it sits just right on top of that I can go ahead and even reduce the size of this just a little bigger so I can kind of head put it down and then from there it's going to pull from the pages that you have currently set up on your site so right now with just one whole menu here but for example if I was to go into pages here and add a page so we'll go ahead and


 add a page here you can see automatically so for example if I had an about page here and I did another page let's go ahead and say you know common other pages might be blog or something of that nature and as you can see just like that going back to the home page now we have those three pages set up at the top there so it pools from the pages that you have set up on your site very easy very simple there's tons of different designs that you can choose from as far as your menu items color goes so it's all up to you,


 now if I click on preview here just like that we now have a complete site super visual here we have our pages at the top but I can navigate here I have my slideshow that I set up I have the drink menu that I set up here is super visual super nice we have that contact form and as you can see here I also decided to drop in a line just to separate the footer there so I kind of have a clue is to the site but just like that in a couple minutes we were able to create a pretty decent site super visual very minimal however of course for your site is going to vary whatever it is whether it's a business a photography portfolio maybe it's more text-based what-have-you that's a great thing about Wix you have the freedom to create whatever you want and at the end of the day it's that simple and easy to create a site with Wix com