keyword research for SEO: is it actually possible to get traffic to a brand new website by simply being smart about how we carry out your keyword research. In this video I'm going to show you how I get anywhere from two and a half to four thousand page views a day from free organic Google SEO traffic to my simple niche blog let's jump straight into my Google Analytics account. This is the website which I started in April 2019and I've been able to grow this website since April 2019 over the past twelvemonths to get thousands of pageviews per day. We're currently running any wherefrom two and a half thousand to approximately four thousand page views every single day you see a couple of abnormalities it was a very quiet period during Christmas then very busy period just after New Year's Eve when everyone wanted to get healthy and all the New Year's resolution and then we had of a bit of a dip because of the coronavirus but in general you can see that it's very consistent and in total.
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How to Create SEO Friendly Keyword for Website/ Blogger |
I've had over 350 thousand page views to this blog all of these for free I have not paid for any of this traffic and it's only going to continue growing. I have not built any backlinks to this blog this is all by being smart about how I carry out keyword research for my SEO tactics. So in this article I'm going to show you this exact thing how you can do the same thing for your website if you are new to my channel my name is Saqib Ashfaq. My channel name is catherine added blogger and on this channel are published regular videos about free traffic affiliate marketing and blogging make sure to take the subscribe button just below this video as well as stick that Bell notification. I can so I can notify you as soon as I apply my next video let's get into the details okay so a couple of basics that I would like to get out of the way just in case you're a little bit new to the online marketing world or to the SEO world. So the first thing is domain strength let's talk about that for a second each website when it starts out on the internet has got a certain strength associated with it generally the websites that have been around for along time they get stronger domain Authority and new sites when they first appear on the Internet they generally considered to be weak size now the way that this is calculated is it's largely influenced by how many other websites are linking to this particular domain soe ach link is kind of like a vote.
If you think of a website like Wikipedia Wikipedia has got millions of links fro mall over the internet pointing to it and that's why in Google's eyes Wikipedia is a very very strong domain so to give you an example here are the stats for travel chrome which is my travel blog and as you can see I've got three hundred and thirty two backlinks from 50 different websites that are linking to my travel chrome blog. This site has been around for for a few years now and I'veacquired fifty links and therefore my domain rank so to speak dr is 2.7 which is not very high i have not focused on this website at all this is just one oflike secondary sites that I've currentlygot let's compare it to the link profile of TripAdvisor calm and TripAdvisor I'msure that you're probably familiar with this website one of the biggest travel websites on the planet it has got domain rank of 94 so Travel croc 2.7TripAdvisor 94 and it's got one hundredand sixty-two million backlinks from three hundred and ninety nine thousand different websites okay so there are twoexamples of different sort of sites ofthe equation different extremes howeveras you will see during this video havinga weaker website does not mean that you can't get traffic we all start.
Somewhere and you can actually totally get reallygood traffic even if your website isbrand new and I'm gonna show you how in this exact video in fact travicomcurrently gets over 200 page views day even though it's a very weak website that I have not focused on atall so that's the first thing we'll talkabout again and again during this videothe strength of themay the next thing next basic idea thatwe need to get out of the way is contentlength very important to understand that content length is kind of almost as important as domain strength Google actually loves long-form content so long content on a weak site can outrank a short article on a strong website and I'm going to show you a couple of examples in just a second but basically if you have a weak site perhaps you'vejust started a brand new blog.
You if you write a long authoritative content you can often outrank Wikipedia Pintere stkora YouTube and many many many othervery very strong websites let me giveyou an example right now let's jump intoGoogle and let's type in a keyword forwhich my travel chrome web site isranking so that we can check it out andsort of analyze it so let's take a lookat wara wara facts you can see that'sone of the it's a pretty common searchterm so Google order suggests actuallycomes up and suggests that so it's areal term that people type in and if welook at these bora-bora facts as you cansee my web site here is ranking on the3rd position so travel croc comp you cansee it right here1 2 3 and guess what I'm out rankingWikipedia so if we scroll a little bitbelow and if we go to the second pagewe've got Wikipedia all the way on thesecond page of Google search results.
Wikipedia is number 12 and my websitehere Travel croc press tile is number 3so it's totally possible to outrankWikipedia one of the most authoritativewebsites on the internet if you dothings correctly and that's exactly whatI'm going to show you in this video isto travel croc Authority as you can seehere is just 2.7 domain rank of just 2.7and I've only got three hundred andthirty-two backlinks however I'mmanaging to outrank Wikipedia which hasgot domain rank of 88 with 74,000domains linking toand 6.6 four million backlinks oh youcan see the difference here 332backlinks 6.6 four million domain ranked88 my domain ranked 2.7 so you knowsometimes people are saying well my blogis brand newI can never rank I can't do this I can'tdo that well you totally can you justneed to do things smartly and that'swhat I'm going to show you in this videojust take a look here below as it sayshere weak site with long content canoutrank Wikipedia Pinterest for YouTubepretty much any big website out there that's just got short content posted onit so today we're going to cover exactly.
How he can rank even brand new sitesit's not about building links it's notabout making your domain authority stronger which can naturally happen overtime what I'm going to show you today ishow you can take your brand new website that you've only just started and how you can realistically start getting awesome traffic hundreds of page views a day thousands of page views a day if you're patient to your blog so let's getin to the details of exactly how to do that so for the purposes of this video today let's just use the travel niche as an example let's say you decided to start a brand new blog and you've settled on thet ravel niche and now you're thinking okay well how do I get more traffic what do I need to write about what kind of topics do I need to write about so thatI can start getting traffic to my sites not making money start getting somerevenue coming in so there's a two-stepprocess that we're going to be going through and that first step is you needto generate a list of keywords.
Second step of the process is to the nanalyze that list of keywords and find the best keywords that have got thehighest chance of success so here is thenumber one method for generating keywords and number one I mean justmethod one it's not the best method it'sone of the two methods that I'm going toshow you for how to generate keywordsand that is going to be using seed liststhis works in any niche not just withthe travel niche but let me show you an example with the travel nation the toolthat I'm going to be using here as an example is a través it is a paid tool however the good news is that you can do this trial see it says that trial for $7 start off for $7 so this give syou access for seven days it gives you complete access to everything inside HOF so you just pay $7 and for seven days you can use a traps now those seven daysis actually enough to if you focus it's enough to do keyword research for the next one or two or three months and if you really have to if you budget situation is tight you can cancel you raccess on the s6 or on the seventh day before that rebuild from A to F sexually comes in and then you know in the future you can sort of if you need access again to edge refs you can consider possibly to getting access again to aircraft with maybe a different email or just by permanent access because it really is an awesome toolI'm actually not an affiliate for HFS.
I don't get any benefit if you decide touse a trace as a result of my adviceit's just the best tool it's theprofessional standard for the marketersfor SEO people out there okay so back toseed listswhat are these seed lists and how do youdo them well in the travel niche theseed lists would be lists of placesperhaps lists of islands lists ofbeaches lists of national parks and youcan do this in different countries as anexample let's type in list of beacheslist of islands in New Zealand so if Itype in list of islands in New ZealandI'm gonna get a bunch of results forexample here in Wikipedia if I open thisup it will actually give me a list ofall the islands in New Zealand you cansee that I've got them here listed bysize so here are three 33 differentislands in New Zealand I can that's justIslands and just an easy line I can dobeaches in New Zealand national parks inNew Zealand then I can do beaches inBora Bora I can do beaches in Mauritiusbeaches in other places you get the ideayou can basically type in you can findkind of lists of all of these differentplaces and then you can analyze themwhich.
I'm going to show you in just asecond so generally I like to work inthe lots of ten so I'm just gonna taketheseten results copy them and clean them uplike this I've now got a clean list ofthese ten names I'm going to copy themand then we'll go into keywords Explorerand we're going to paste all of thesekeywords that we've copied in and thenlet's run this search in keywordsExplorer for these keywords we're goingto get results that look like this andthen what I like to do on the left-handside in air tracks is select the optionof having same terms that's actuallygoing to give you keywords that are notjust the exact match of this keyword butthey're going to give you all of thekeywords that have got these keywords inthem so they are variations so to speakand instead of just 10 keywords we nowgot 130 so as long as something has gotNorth Island in it or South Georgiaisland or you know South Island in itit's actually going to include thingslike North Fox Island.
So we had NorthIsland but now we've got North FoxIsland alright and we've got one hundredthirty thousand different keywords sonow that you've got this massive list ofkeywords hundred thirty thousand you canstart applying different keyworddifficulty filters and volume filtersand so on so you can actually startanalyzing these keyword results but I'mgonna come back to that because we stillhave I'm gonna show you a second way togenerate these keywords we're going totalk about analysis in just a second ina few minutes this was the first way foryou to generate keywords using seedlessokay so now you've got like I've shownyou a way to come up with multiplemultiple hundreds of thousands ofkeywords in your niche now guys thisactually works not just in travel nichebut it works in let's say if you've gota blog about baby products you would gofor names of baby product manufacturersperhaps you know product names or brandnames it can work anywhere you just needto think a little bit about what are thedifferent lists of things that peoplemight be looking for in my niche it'sthe second way of generating keywords inthe knee in the niche is using reverseengineering so here's how it works to doreverse engineering or on a competitor'swebsite.
You need to type in a keywordsearch that relates toyour niche so if you are in the travelnews you might have been something likeNew Zealand South Island and that willbring up a bunch of results and what youwant to find is you want to find ourblog ideally a small kind of family oryou know one person to person blog thatis ranking for this keyword search termand then you're gonna reverse analyzerso here is a good example it says I am alien so I am a lien sounds like you knowit's a person who started this blog sohere we go that's probably a lien therewho yeah it's I'm a lien Adelaide I'm 21I quit quit my corporate job in thePhilippines so we've now got potentialsort of competitor in the same niche andwe might be able to analyze what herwebsite ranks for and then we might beable to publish some similar content onthe topics that she has published aboutthe reason why we want to choose I amAlan calm and we don't want to choosemust do New Zealand or Lonely Planetcalm ease you want to pick a websitethat is kind of realistic for you tocompete with you know you can't competewith Lonely Planet they just way toopowerful they publish about millions ofdifferent topics you want the reverseanalyze blog that is started by a normalperson that you can realistically seeyourself you know building a blog thatis similar to this one so that's why ifyou're not sure if it's a personal blogor not the first thing probably to do isto open up the result and then just tryto read the about page and try to find ablog that is sort of run just by oneperson okay now we're gonna take thisdomain here I am Island comment we'regonna analyze it in a dress to do thatgo into the site explorer option hereand then type in I am island commawhatever domain is going to be thatyou're going to be reverse engineeringand after you hit enter on it it willbring up all of the information about itso
you can see that Alan started thiswebsite around probably 2014-2015 andthen she's had pretty big growth andshe's built a pretty massive website inthe past few years that has got quite agood Authority and is getting quite goodtrafficforty-seven point four this is usuallyway too low you know not usual figuresare normally two to three to four tofive times higher so she probably getssomething like 200,000 visitors a monthI would say it's probably about five toten thousand pages per day I would sayto her site which is really awesome butthe thing that we are interested here isthis organic keyword so 65 point 2000organic keywords is what she's currentlyranking for so if you click on that onorganic keywords again this has givenyou all of the keywords that I mail incomm currently ranks four and once againhe can start applying different keyworddifficulty filters and various otherfilters 11,000 very simple keywords inus Google you know she also ranks onother international google googleengines and just like that by simplyusing competitor website we've come upwith a list of awesome keywords but nowthat brings us to the next step that weneed to do how to actually analyze thesekeywords and figure out are they goodkeywords or notso we've now covered this method reverseengineering generating keywords usingreverse engineering before that wouldcover generating keywords using seedlists so now you know how to actuallygenerate these lists of keywords let'stalk about this now how do you go aboutanalyzing the keywords and picking outthe truly winning keywords that you canuse just write content even on a brandnew site on Anubis site and startgetting organic traffic to your websiteusing.
just pure SEO nothing else no linkbuilding so essentially these are thesteps here on the screen you need toapply a keyword difficulty filter youneed to also check search engine resultpages top ten and just do a little bitof and now assists on them and I'm gonnatake you through step by step exactlyhow to do this this might look like abunch of gibberish and it probably isbut these are just my notes I try tosummarize everything on one page for youso let me show you in detail how I goabout it all right so the first thingthat we want to do is want to applykeyword difficulty filter so let's saywe're looking at all of the results forall the keywords that one of youbetter vlogs is ranking like here we'relooking at I am a lien dot-com orperhaps you're looking even at the listof keywords that you generated usingthis seed keywords method like we didwith all of the islands it doesn'tmatter it's all the same you would justgo in and apply a keyword difficultyfilter I recommend to start with sevento see how many keywords you've got leftseven is kind of like the cutoff whererealistically I find in my experience myblocks that don't have a lot of linksdon't have a lot of authority they havea pretty good chance of rankingobviously anything that's lower thanseven is also really good it's evenbetter if you can find keyword difficulttwo three or four but seven is a goodplace to start now you can see we've goteleven thousand different keywords thatwe still have with very low key worddifficulties of 4 to 5 3 etc so perhapswhat we can do here is even cut it downto keyword difficulty of 5 just to gofor really really super easy keywords westill have nine point seven thousand somaybe we can even go to keyworddifficulty of four which are super easykeywords I will probably stop there keywere difficult for is so low pretty mucha brand new blog can rank forI'd say majority of the keywords that wecan see here so we've got eight thousandsix hundred keywords which is enough tobuild an amazing blog and that's justfrom analyzing one domain alright you'vealso got obviously other people'sdomains that you can reverse engineer aswell so let's take a closer look at someof these statistics coming back to ourlist of steps we've now done is applyingkeyword difficulty filter will now needto check Serb top ten by the way youmight be thinking what does this keyworddifficulty actually mean well there is aproprietary algorithm there's a formulathat a trev'sfollowed I don't know the exactbreakdown of what they take into accountbut I would say for sure they're lookingat things like how authoritative are theresults in top ten so if we go let's saywe'll look a bit closer at this keywordhere HurtigrutenAntarctica okay and if we open thisserve result search engine result pagesthese are the top 10 results in Googleright now for us Google will look at usGoogle results alright so these are thetop sites in us Google that are rankingfor HurtigrutenAntarctica and then look at the strengthof the domain so how many backlinks arepointing at each of these websites howmany backlinks are pointing atindividual pages that are ranking thereon page 1 they probably look at howrelevant the titles of each of theseposts see this actual title here howrelevant that is to the search querythen look probably at the length of thearticles a bunch of different factorsand I find that generally it isextremely accurate so we now need tocheck this SERP top 10 that thing thatwe've just dropped down and opened upand my criteria is when I'm checking isI want to check two things one is arethere at least two or more weak sitesthat are ranking on that page one and byweek I mean they're a our school has tobe higher than 1 million so let's take alook at that so the a our score that I'mtalking about is this one here they areso if I mouse over for information onwhat it is it says HFS rank they areshows the strength of a website'sbacklink profile compared to the othersin our database with rank number onebeing the strongest so what this tellsus is that a website that has got a 1 isthe best so out of these top 10 this onehe has got rank 102 all right so that'sthe strongest the next one after that is23,000 so it's like if you put them allinto a league letter this the thehighest one up the legal air is this oneTripAdvisor comno you know no surprises there the nextone down is 23,000 so it's a little bitlower Cruz critique calm also soundslike a pretty authoritative website andthen after that we've got 160 1000 sortof where further below and then we'vegot all of these really weak webs arethere's 169 thousand but we also have abunch of really weak websites 3 million6.1 million 14 million so these are allextremely good science because any ARthat's higher than 1 million all rightso like worse than 1 million lower belowthan 1 million he's actually quite aweak website that you can pretty easilycompete with even if your site is brandnewtypically like if your site is kind ofjust starting out right now you'reprobably gonna have a are of about 150million but literally after you've got acouple of backlinks which acquire youknow they they your website will growsome backlinks naturally over time youwill become our 6 million you know then3 million in virtually no time just as apoint of comparison my travel crocdot-com website has got a traps rank of39 million so it's way down below andI'm still getting really good traffic tomy blog so you know they're just like apoint of comparison for you to keep itin perspective that you don't reallyneed a very high h refs rank and youknow also just to prove to you that youknow like 14 million and 6.1 millionyou can definitely easily compete withthese websites here all right so that'sthe first criteria where we said thereneeds to be at least two more weakwebsites with a are over 1 million sothat's a check we do have them here inthis example and the second thing that Ilike to look at is that we have two ormore results on that front page on thetop top 10 results in Google that haveshort content and short content isanything that has got less than one anda half thousand words so here is how wecan analyze this I would just open upeach of these results and count how manykeywords they've got so for example Iopen this one in a new tab and then takea look at it and then highlight all ofthe content and count the words in thisso you can either copy and paste thisinto Microsoft Word for example if youwant so I've opened a brand new documenthere and what I can do is just go pastespecial text so based just text and thenit will tell me that this article is1942 words I can see here in theleft okay so that one was for divaexpedition I would do this for all ofthe top ten results just open them upone by one and count the number of wordsin there so I've just paused the videoand what I've done while it was pausedthese I've analyzed them all and what Ifound is that these two results hereTravel Weekly dot-com Donna you andMandy that are you theyhave got very very short content so hereis Travel Weekly so if I take this andcopy and paste this their content isjust 200 words 199 words it's a veryshort post and the second oneMandy Adventures if I copy and pastethis content just to count how long itis it's only 671 words so it's a littlebit longer so this is really good newsand this makes logical sense I like whenthings make logical sense that's notwhat's happened like that but quiteoften it does so Travel Weekly dot-comvalue is a pretty strong website see ARis one hundred and sixty one thousand soit's quite up there it's pretty strongwith the short article just two hundredwords this strong domain is managing torank on page one okay make sense supershort article high domain Authority boomthey're there on page onenow the next website is Mandy adventurescalm is a very weak website.
fourteen million there article is three timeslonger three and a half times longer its671 words and their ranking that's whythey're ranking below but because thecompetition is so low they've written afairly short article 671 words and theystill manage to rank on page one this isreally really important to understandand these are the signs that you'relooking for this next result here numberten this chimú also hasgot very short content so basicallythese last three even four if you countTrip Advisor all of these websites havegot extremely short content which isgreat news for you we have now tickedall of the boxes we've applied ourkeyword difficulty filter so we'veapplied a traps logic that takes out alot of the key words that you don't needto waste your time analyzing now youjust need to confirmand most of the time ahrefs results arecorrect in my experience all right sowe're sort of just recapping what we'vedone here so you apply that keyworddifficulty filter and then your checkingthat there are at least two more weekssites which we do have in this examplewith a are over 1 million and that atleast two or more results there on pageone have got short content less than oneand a half thousand words and yes we dowe've got that here as well we've gotsome websites but that are ranking with200 words with 600 words 700 words sobasically that now means that if youpublish an article that is in-depth onyour reasonably new website that's oneand a half to 2,000 words your contentis going to be much more in-depth thanthese other results that were found soyou can realistically beat out any ofthese number 8 number 9 and number 10and take over these spots I'm prettysure that even with a brand new sitelike if I with my travel chrome I justhaven't gotten around to this keywordyet because I've got others that I'mpublishing on but if I publish anarticle that's it's a one and a halfthousand or even 2,000 words I'm prettysure that I can take over the numbereight spot on page one that's how I knowso personally I hate theory and I don'twant to just leave you there witheverything that I've shown so this iswhat I would personally do in thisexample.
if I wanted to rank my contentthere on page one I would write anarticle that's longer than competitionso in this example I would write a twothousand word article it's longer thananything else that's out there on pageone right now and our site fair enoughmight be week you know most people whoare watching this probably have got sortof fairly new websites and your websitemight be weak but your content is goingto be much longer than anything elsethat's out there on on page one and wealready know that Google is alreadyranking some fairly weak sites on pageone so you're just gonna smash it withcontent quality and publish a very nicelong in-depth article that Google isgoing to love this is exactly how Imanaged to rank number three forbora-bora facts if we open this upyou'll see that my article here is thinin depth you know it's quite long quitegood high-quality article about 2,000words.
The reason why Wikipedia isall the way there on page two is becausethey've got a very short article becausetheir article is just something like 300words that's all it isand Wikipedia super strong domain veryshort content they're on page 2 positionnumber 12 with me travel crop comm veryvery weak domain and really long-formcontent and I managed to beat them by alot by 9 positions in fact what to donext well if you want to get going withthis check the links in the descriptionI've got links to more free videos frommy channel and the couple that Irecommend for you to see next are thefirst one is how to start a blogstep-by-step covering everything thatyou need to do to start a blog fromscratch and make it successful and thesecond free video that's there in thedescription is how to write a blog poststep by step once again it will show youhow to actually research your blog postand make sure that you write amazinghigh-quality blog posts that rank andget traffic and if you want a bit morehelp from me then once again check thelinks in the description I've got aspecial right now 35% of my blogging andmentorship package you can use couponYouTube to get the 35% off in checkoutthank you so much.
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